Thoughtful Thursdays

February 04, 2021 - 05:00 AM - 5173 views

Thoughtful Thursday is the perfect time to be mindful of those around you, at home, work and in public, who may have thoughts, concerns, or needs which you may not be aware of. Try a little harder to break free of your own busy world and try to be more aware of other people’s feelings! It’s a wonderful thing when you can be more thoughtful and considerate towards others. It is quite a gratifying experience.


Don’t wait for the holidays to cook your family a favorite meal

Be the best friend you can be by always being there when your friend needs you the most

Pick up the phone and say hello to a friend who’s in need of a little conversation

Invite a friend/relative over for lunch

Get involved in volunteer work in your community

Hold doors for people behind you

Give up your seat on a bus/train to a person who could use it more

Allow a person with fewer groceries than yourself to cut in front of you on line

Try to be more conscientious of others feelings

Send a person who is depressed a little note to lift their spirits

Please do not forget to say “Please, Thank You, Excuse me”, etc

Cut out savings coupons for all and any baby items as many struggling young parents will appreciate them. Leave them in eyesight on the shelves in the grocery stores diaper section

When you offer to help a person in their time of need, don’t say “If there is anything I can do, just call” because most of the time they will not call you. Instead, follow up on your offer by contacting them


Source:  Be Kind To Humankind

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