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9 Health Benefits of Music
How to Start Living a Peaceful Life
The Effects of Sound on the Learning Process
The Transformative Power of Music
10 Tips To Reduce Stress During The Holidays
The Holidays Are Stressful- Restore Your Calm
Discover Uncommon Methods to Improve Your Psychological Well-Being
Unravel The Roots Of Your Stress With These Simple Ways To Feel Better
Harnessing the Healing Power of Music
6 Daily Practices to Achieve Inner Peace
40 Ways to Create Peace of Mind
Music and Health
The River of Calm Headphones For Chemo V2
Mindfulness Exercises
11 Quotes That Get At The Heart Of Music Therapy
9 Health Benefits of Music
15 Inspirational Quotes About The Power Of Music
Self-Improvement Is A Journey
Music and Mind: Harnessing the Arts for Health and Wellness
Discover the Path to Mindful Living With This Guide
15 Benefits Of Listening To Music (Backed by Science)
From Tension to Tranquility: Practical Steps to Relax and Rejuvenate
The Benefits of Yoga
A Soothing Oasis of Sound Enters Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center
Musical Moments at Home – How to Use Music to Connect
Songs, Stories, and Healing
Maury Regional Cancer Center Receives Headphone Donation
Alternative Cancer Treatments
How New Skills Can Transform Your Life
How to Make Gratitude a Daily Habit
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40 Ways to Create Peace of Mind
April 12, 2024 - 03:01 PM
By Lori Deschene “Set peace of mind as your highest goal, and organize your life around it.” ~Brian Tracy There was a time when I thought peace was a destination, in much the same way I imagined I’d eventually arrive at happiness or success. It seemed like something I needed to chase or find—definitely not something I could experience without dramatically changing my life. I needed to work less, relax more, and generally revamp my circumstances and relationships in order to be a peaceful person. Despite seeing peace as an endpoint, I also saw it as something passive; after all, that’s why I was so stressed: I had so much to do. I’ve since......
Music and Health
April 04, 2024 - 03:04 PM
From Harvard Health PublishingMusic is a fundamental attribute of the human species. Virtually all cultures, from the most primitive to the most advanced, make music. It's been true through history, and it's true throughout an individual's lifespan. In tune or not, we humans sing and hum; in time or not, we clap and sway; in step or not, we dance and bounce. The human brain and nervous system are hard-wired to distinguish music from noise and to respond to rhythm and repetition, tones, and tunes. Is this a biologic accident, or does it serve a purpose? It's not possible to say. Still, a varied group of studies suggests that music may enhance human health and performance. Music and the......
The River of Calm Headphones For Chemo V2
March 28, 2024 - 02:20 PM
We are very proud of this project and all of the Artists on The River of Calm who donated their music to support this effort. Thanks to YOU - our sponsors, our mission at The River of Calm is to provide 1,000 headphones to chemotherapy centers. The good news is the headphones are here, but we still need funding to distribute and deliver these across the country. Your help will be greatly appreciated. If you would like headphones for your local chemotherapy center, please send your request to May the calm be with you! ...
Mindfulness Exercises
March 25, 2024 - 08:42 PM
By: Sean Fargo - Founder, Mindfulness Exercises Mindful breathing catalyzes physical alterations within our bodies, enhancing our overall well-being. It not only significantly lowers blood pressure and cortisol levels—key indicators of stress—but also imbues practitioners with a profound sense of tranquility and resilience. People who incorporate mindfulness breathing into their daily routine frequently experience diminished stress levels, bolstered resilience, and heightened self-regulation. This practice isn't just for adults; it's equally beneficial for children, offering a foundation for emotional well-being from an early age.Check out our 10 Top Mindful Breathing......
11 Quotes That Get At The Heart Of Music Therapy
March 22, 2024 - 12:00 AM
Words From Those Who Heal and Have Healed We’ve all experienced that indescribable sensation when listening to music. We listen to a sad tune when we need to let it out, an uplifting beat when we feel joyful, and ambient sounds when we need to soothe ourselves. If it’s possible to feel so much through music alone, imagine what can happen when adding therapy to the mix. Music therapy is an up-and-coming set of mental health work that’s becoming increasingly popular. Using music, therapists offer a free-flowing experience to help soothe their patients. This might mean playing music for patients, teaching them to play, or simply experimenting with sounds......
9 Health Benefits of Music
March 17, 2024 - 10:08 PM
Music can improve mood, decrease pain and anxiety, and facilitate opportunities for emotional expression. Research suggests that music can benefit our physical and mental health in numerous ways. Music therapy is used by our hospice and palliative care board-certified music therapist to enhance conventional treatment for a variety of illnesses and disease processes – from anxiety, depression and stress, to the management of pain and enhancement of functioning after degenerative neurologic disorders. The team from Spiritual Care and Support at NorthShore, highlights some of the benefits music has on health and well-being: It’s heart healthy. Research has shown......
15 Inspirational Quotes About The Power Of Music
March 14, 2024 - 05:43 PM
By Martin Chilton Thoughtful and insightful quotes about the power of music as therapy and the ways in which it is good for all of us to open up about mental-health concerns. Musicians as prominent as Adele, Kendrick Lamar, Taylor Swift and Bruce Springsteen have spoken publicly about mental health issues such as depression and anxiety, and all can attest to the power of music to help with such problems. Numerous scientific and psychological studies have shown that music can lift our moods, combat depression, improve blood flow in ways similar to statins, lower levels of stress-related hormones such as cortisol, and ease pain. Music can improve the outcomes for......
Self-Improvement Is A Journey
March 13, 2024 - 02:38 PM
By: Marla Goldberg - Author and Energy Healer Taking Small Steps to Reach Your Goals I feel it is easiest when I break my goals down into steps. First, I determine which goal I want to achieve. Then I will start making a list of the actions and steps I need to take to reach that objective. After these steps are determined, I will time-block each step, giving 10 minutes for step 1 and 45 minutes for step 2, for example. I also understand that sometimes we all need a little help. Do not be afraid to reach out to the people you need to assist you on getting to your end goal. If I should fall short of my goal, I make sure I do not beat myself up. I reassess my steps, make the changes......
Music and Mind: Harnessing the Arts for Health and Wellness
March 08, 2024 - 05:23 PM
Music and Mind: Harnessing the Arts for Health and Wellness,’ edited by Renée Fleming, makes the case for the therapeutic effects of music An opera singer collaborates with scientists, artists, educators, therapists, and healthcare providers to advance our understanding of music's healing powers. BY DAVID NOEL EDWARDSThe therapeutic use of music dates to ancient times. By the time the Hebrew shepherd David soothed King Saul’s agita with harp music, the Sumerians and Egyptians had been using music in their healing rituals for millennia. Even in the age of high-tech medicine, music remains a universally recognized remedy for an assortment of commonplace maladies. A......
Discover the Path to Mindful Living With This Guide
March 04, 2024 - 08:00 AM
By: Savannah Taylor - BeMySpiritGuide In a world that never seems to slow down, mindfulness emerges as a beacon of tranquility. This ancient practice, centered on being fully present and engaged in the moment, offers a haven from the hustle and bustle of daily life. By incorporating mindfulness techniques into everyday routines, individuals can experience moments of peace that lead to a more serene and focused existence. This article, courtesy of The River of Calm, explores practical ways to weave mindfulness into the fabric of daily life, inviting readers to embark on a transformative journey towards inner calm. Crafting Visual Reminders To reinforce your meditation practice, crafting......
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The River of Calm - Beyond The Music Podcast - featuring Danielle Archer of The Artist Minds - Imposter Syndrome
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The River of Calm Playlist - Chill Music To Study To
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