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9 Health Benefits of Music
How to Start Living a Peaceful Life
The Effects of Sound on the Learning Process
The Transformative Power of Music
10 Tips To Reduce Stress During The Holidays
The Holidays Are Stressful- Restore Your Calm
Discover Uncommon Methods to Improve Your Psychological Well-Being
Unravel The Roots Of Your Stress With These Simple Ways To Feel Better
Harnessing the Healing Power of Music
6 Daily Practices to Achieve Inner Peace
40 Ways to Create Peace of Mind
Music and Health
The River of Calm Headphones For Chemo V2
Mindfulness Exercises
11 Quotes That Get At The Heart Of Music Therapy
9 Health Benefits of Music
15 Inspirational Quotes About The Power Of Music
Self-Improvement Is A Journey
Music and Mind: Harnessing the Arts for Health and Wellness
Discover the Path to Mindful Living With This Guide
15 Benefits Of Listening To Music (Backed by Science)
From Tension to Tranquility: Practical Steps to Relax and Rejuvenate
The Benefits of Yoga
A Soothing Oasis of Sound Enters Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center
Musical Moments at Home – How to Use Music to Connect
Songs, Stories, and Healing
Maury Regional Cancer Center Receives Headphone Donation
Alternative Cancer Treatments
How New Skills Can Transform Your Life
How to Make Gratitude a Daily Habit
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9 Health Benefits of Music
February 16, 2025 - 03:02 PM
Music can improve mood, decrease pain and anxiety, and facilitate opportunities for emotional expression. Research suggests that music can benefit our physical and mental health in numerous ways. Music therapy is used by our hospice and palliative care board-certified music therapist to enhance conventional treatment for a variety of illnesses and disease processes – from anxiety, depression and stress, to the management of pain and enhancement of functioning after degenerative neurologic disorders. It’s heart healthy. Research has shown that blood flows more easily when music is played...
How to Start Living a Peaceful Life
February 13, 2025 - 02:52 PM
Are you living in a constant state of stress? Living a more peaceful life can begin with just a few, small changes we can incorporate into our daily lives. How to Start Living a Peaceful Life Are you living in a constant state of stress? If so, there’s a lot of reasons why that may be the case. We live in a hustle and bustle society that values productivity and consumerism. Living in this fast paced, non-stop way can catch up to us if we’re not taking the time we need to slow down and relax. Consequently, living in a constant state of stress over time takes a toll on our nervous systems and can negatively impact our physical and mental health. This can lead to a sense of doom......
The Effects of Sound on the Learning Process
February 07, 2025 - 05:41 PM
By: IvyPanda In modern society, people live, interact, and study amid a cacophony of background noises. From the neighbor’s TV to the relentless roar of street traffic, concentrating on tasks can be challenging with such auditory distractions. Consider a different scenario: You sit down to write an essay, distracted by thoughts and external stimuli, and then you play a Mozart symphony and complete the dreaded task in an hour. As you can see, sound permeates our lives. It’s one of our five senses through which we continuously perceive the world and its dynamics. It can either be a source of distraction or, if properly used, a catalyst for improved performance. How We......
The Transformative Power of Music
January 11, 2025 - 05:35 PM
The Transformative Power of Music in Mental Well-Being Music has always held a special place in our lives, forming an integral part of human culture for centuries. Whether we passively listen to our favorite songs or actively engage in music-making by singing or playing instruments, music can have a profound influence on our socio-emotional development and overall well-being. Recent research suggests that music engagement not only shapes our personal and cultural identities but also plays a role in mood regulation.1 A 2022 review and meta-analysis of music therapy found an overall beneficial effect on stress-related outcomes. Moreover, music can be used to help in addressing serious......
10 Tips To Reduce Stress During The Holidays
December 05, 2024 - 02:57 PM
If you find that you are feeling a little more stressed than usual right now, you’re definitely not alone. The American Psychological Association reports that nearly nine in 10 (89%) Americans are experiencing stress or feeling overwhelmed this holiday season. When we are stressed, we need to be sure we are coping with it in the best ways possible. When stress gets the best of us, we may turn to less healthy means of coping. Here are some ways to make the season less stressful and more fun. 1. Don’t over schedule yourself The holiday season is a time of parties and other social gatherings. Remember that you don't have to do it all. Figure out what you really enjoy......
The Holidays Are Stressful- Restore Your Calm
November 27, 2024 - 05:51 PM
The holidays are stressful. Restore your calm with these 5 quick tricks Going home for the holidays can be anxiety-inducing. Airports are packed, roads are full of traffic and being with family can be drama. Dan Harris, host of the mindfulness and meditation podcast 10% Happier, is here to help. He shares five quick, science-backed techniques to help you stay cool in the moment, no matter the situation. 5 holiday stress scenarios — and how to cope 1. You're hitting major traffic on the road to your in-laws' house. Now you might miss Thanksgiving dinner! The fix: Wear a half smile. Ever so slightly raise the upper corners of your lips. This will automatically reduce all that......
Discover Uncommon Methods to Improve Your Psychological Well-Being
October 18, 2024 - 12:38 PM
By: Savannah Taylor Mental health is fundamental to our well-being and life's ups and downs. Exploring and implementing diverse strategies tailored to our individual needs is essential to maintain and improve our mental state. These methods range from physical activities that calm the mind to psychological techniques that fortify emotional resilience. By incorporating a variety of unique approaches, we can effectively enhance our mental wellness and improve our quality of life.Gentle Physical Activities as a Gateway to PeaceYoga, a practice rooted in ancient traditions, has evolved into a gentle but powerful tool for mental upkeep. This low-intensity activity can......
Unravel The Roots Of Your Stress With These Simple Ways To Feel Better
July 12, 2024 - 02:50 PM
By: Savannah Taylor Stress is a ubiquitous part of life, often creeping in from various sources and affecting your well-being. Identifying the causes and finding effective ways to manage stress are crucial for maintaining a balanced life. This guide, presented by The River Of Calm, will help you uncover the roots of your stress and offer practical strategies to handle them effectively. Uncovering the Roots of Your Stress Understanding what triggers your stress is the first step in managing it. Take time to reflect on your daily activities and pinpoint specific events, environments, or individuals that elevate your stress levels. These can range from work deadlines and financial pressures......
Harnessing the Healing Power of Music
June 13, 2024 - 04:40 PM
By: Marc Shapiro The Zoom meetup begins with Jason Armstrong Baker playing a melody on a metal drum to welcome his class. Five people log in to the weekly, one-hour session, hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Music and Medicine, during which Baker teaches rhythm skills through call-and-response clapping and by listening to music with the group. Why all the clapping? The participants have Parkinson’s disease, and according to a 2015 study of 20 patients conducted by the center’s director and co-founder Alexander Pantelyat, drumming can help improve overall quality of life and mobility. Over the course of the hour, the group will clap different......
6 Daily Practices to Achieve Inner Peace
April 17, 2024 - 12:55 PM
By: William Van Gordon, Ph.D.Psychology Today Inner peace can sometimes seem a distant prospect, particularly in today’s fast-paced society. Without it, in addition to feeling lost, we can start to feel that life has become superficial and a grind from one day to the next. Typically, inner peace does not arise on its own but requires us to create particular conditions, both within ourselves and in our external environment. Fortunately, there are easy steps we can take each day to help create these conditions so that peace enters our hearts and minds. 1. Stop, Breathe, and Simply Be Regularly taking time throughout the day to stop and observe the breath can help us cultivate inner......
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The River of Calm - Beyond The Music Podcast - featuring Danielle Archer of The Artist Minds - Imposter Syndrome
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